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Do not underestimate documentation!

The success of a product or an application largely resides in the quality of its user documentation.

Accessibility, readability, clear structure, instant and intuitive search and indexing features are key factors. To achieve this, the Technical Writer must above all be able to look at the application with pure user's eyes: think like the user, anticipate the user's questions, adopt a user's approach to the application and understand the way the user responds to the software's internal logic.

Top rating EN/FR-FR/EN
dictionary of finance.
Many definitions.

With more than 19 years' experience in software documentation and translation, we are best placed to provide your software with the truly professional documentation that it deserves.

Technical writingManuals: users' guides, reference manuals, getting started
Windows help (*.hlp), Web-based help (*.htm, *.chm)

Language services- Translation of software documentation (online help, manuals, software strings), business documents, marketing brochures, product sheets, websites, etc.
- Revision, copywriting, language quality control
Ask for a quote!

Functional testing An integral and essential part of the software development process, functional testing is the determination through testing of whether the behavior of a Web or Windows-based application conforms to requirements. Functional testing includes designing and implementing operational scenarios, submitting incident reports and re-testing software after debugging.
Clients include:

ywords: dictionnaire économique et financier anglais français bae finances banking english french financial dictionary economy investment translation specialised
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